Safety Guidelines
This page provides the most up-to-date health & safety policies for Pink Umbrella Theater Company's in-person classes. All guidelines are based upon the recommendations and from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the Wisconsin Department of Health Services (DHS) and developed further through discussions with national and local arts programming providers. These policies may be adjusted at any time based on new recommendations.
We acknowledge that some of our students are vaccinated, but not all who take classes at Pink Umbrella Theater are able, choose to, or are old enough to be vaccinated. We feel strongly about ensuring a safe place for everyone under the umbrella, so we will...
Require vaccines for all involved in programming over the age of 5
If participant is not vaccinated and over the age of 5, weekly COVID testing is required based upon the following guidelines (See Table 1 Screening Testing Recommendations for K-12 Schools)
Maintain 3-6 feet of spatial distancing.
Masks are required for students, staff volunteers, interns and anyone within the class structure.
We thank you in advance for your attention and adherence to our guidelines for our upcoming session. Please read through all materials provided on this website and in your registration and class reminder emails.
Please note, we will continue to monitor guidelines nationally and locally and update you accordingly. If you have questions, please do not hesitate to ask by email or 414-522-9081.