Em's Ensemble
a scholarship fund
Em's Ensemble Scholarship Fund was created to honor Emily Kellner and her love for theater, writing, and finding 'home.' We encourage all who believe they are artists or are looking for a place to belong, to apply if finances prove to be a barrier to participation.
The scholarship program is need based. If you need it, fill out this form after you register for class. We ask that you contribute what you are able and we will cover the rest.
Donate to Em's Ensemble Scholarship year round to support theater for all!! Any amount helps continue Em's love for theater and community.
About Em...
Emily was a bundle of everything all at once. She could share all of the thoughts in her head in a single breath, hiccup and then share more. Emily was a writer, a poet, a leader, an artist, and a friend. The joy emanating from Emily could fill the room and those fortunate enough to work with her. She reminded us to bounce, not trudge, down the hall to work or play. She was eager and engaged, light and love, laughter and anxiety, strength and fear, and smart and full of sass.
Emily was everything an artist should be and found theater as a place where she belonged. In her short time on earth, Emily taught us to live life to the fullest in spite of anxiety, fear, and worry. She taught us to speak our truths, to share our talents and to giggle until you can't breathe anymore. She wrote once, "I hope that wherever I go, you will not forget about me."
Her mom, Dawn, created the scholarship to ensure that artists, poets, performers and writers like Em, had a place to be and were welcomed with open arms. She wanted to make sure that even those Emily never met, will never forget her and her impact.

Emily & Pink Umbrella

"Emily always came to theater classes with bows in her hair. Pink was one of the frequent colors she wore. She told me once that the theater was the only place where she could ‘really be me.’ When the idea of Pink Umbrella was formed, I knew that we needed to honor her somehow and really, ALL of the students like her who identify with a disability. Adding Pink to the name was one way for us to make sure she was always a part of this theater. Every time we say the name of the company, we are reminded to accept people as they are, in this moment, as their authentic selves and create art together."
- Katie Cummings, Founder & Executive Director
A Poet & An Artist
Original Works by Emily Kellner
What Makes Someone Beautiful
What makes someone beautiful
I think what makes a person beautiful is when they are themselves
Someone is beautiful when they have a genuine laugh
When they care about others and themselves fully
When they can accept themselves and others flaws and all
When being yourself can never be replaced

Hope is something we have in our heart.
Our hopes are something we all have
and should always hold on to.
Without having hopes, you don't have a dream.
Dreams are the wishes we can make come true.
We all have dreams, whether
that be to find the courage to speak up or to go to the college of our dreams.
We build each day onto the next,
building our dreams along the way, and achieving
every one we can.
Spreading My Wings
I am a pretty butterfly
my colors sweet and dear
Inside my colors can fell dark
and I question why
I wonder if people judge me for what I appear
Do they know I hide when I cry
But if they ask I will deny
The pain my tears imply
Because I'm discovering the key
to make my colors tye-dye
Soon I will be free
No longer am I afraid of what I use to fear
I'm powerful because I try
And the hard times make me realize I'm still here
I no longer hold darkness inside
I no longer have to lie
My dainty wings will soon fly
I no longer let other bother me
I will soar to the sky
I will soon be free